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LAUR is an Open-Access digital archive of the scholarly output of the Lebanese American University community. Its mission is to preserve, showcase and provide open access and international exposure to the scholarship and research of LAU faculty, staff and graduate students. It also serves as an archive of historical and other materials that support the university’s academic mission.


The LAUR generates added value to the outside world by operating as a portal to relevant content that is frequently visited by national and international visitors from outside the institution.


LAUR is an Open Repository. When copyright permission is not available, metadata of material will be recorded and the item’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or a URL to the publisher’s website — where a copy of the full text is available — will be included. This will enable those users who have subscription access to the journal to view the full text. Depositing materials in the LAUR is voluntary. 

Selected materials are collected in a centralized, searchable and highly visible location.

The repository currently includes all students works (Theses and Capstones projects), faculty publications (published articles, chapters of books, conference papers and post-prints), and will include LAU’s research reports, digital images and any other relevant data which can be easily harvested by search engines such as Google.

Thesis Deadlines

  •                     Spring 2025
  • Feb. 12, 2025: Submission of the first draft of the thesis begins
  • April 30, 2025: Final deadline to upload the approved thesis draft

Quick access

Faculty Publications Guidelines

  1. Submissions
  2. Rules and regulations
  3. Copyright
  4. Quality Control
  5. Glossary
  6. FAQ
  7. Related Links

Thesis Guidelines

  1. Thesis Template
  2. Thesis Guidelines
  3. Thesis Forms
  4. Thesis Format Checklist
  5. Thesis Components Checklist
  6. Adding Different Page Numbers to Different Sections of a Thesis

Thesis Submission Video Tutorials 

  1. Part 1: Initial Upload
  2. Part 2: Thesis Approval
  3. Part 3: Final Clearance and FAQs

Projects Guidelines

  1. Capstones Project Submission Guideline
  2. Media Submissions Guideline

LAUR Agreement Policies

  1. Non-exclusive Distribution License
  2. Terms of use

Browse through the LAU Repository