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  • The LAU Libraries exist primarily to meet the needs of the students, faculty and staff of Lebanese American University. We also regularly serve alumni and special guests of the university.
  • Other visitors are welcome to use the Libraries’ on-site facilities and resources for research and educational purposes, generally for limited periods of time depending on individual need.
  • Visitors from other institutions in Lebanon or abroad working on a special research, Ph.D. or masters’ thesis project are entitled to subscribe (for a fee) to the Library after providing a formal letter from their institution proving the field of study and specifying the time needed to use the Library.
  • Once the guest’s eligibility status is confirmed and approved by the Library administration and the subscription fee is paid at the Business Office, the LAU Security Office will be informed in order to facilitate the guest’s entrance to the Library.
  • Exceptional cases will need the approval of the Library Director and the Provost.
  • Library staff will assist visitors in using the Library’s resources as time and workload permit.
  • To facilitate the on-site use of materials photocopy machines and scanners are provided at various locations inside the Library.
  • The computers in the Libraries are for use by LAU students. Their primary purpose is for academic applications, with an emphasis on Library-related applications such as searching the online catalog, electronic resources or other online research activities. Questions may be directed to the Circulation Desk staff.
  • Visitors’ Library privileges may be terminated at the discretion of any librarian for violation of policies, disruptive behavior or any activity deemed detrimental to the Library or our primary users.

For assistance, please contact:

  • E-mail: circulation@lau.edu.lb
  • Riyad Nassar Library circulation desk (Beirut Campus), ext: 1213
  • Joseph G. Jabbra Library circulation desk (Byblos Campus), ext: 2280
  • Health Sciences Library circulation desk (Byblos Campus), ext: 2977