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Policies & Guidelines > Off-campus access

The online databases provided through this website are licensed for use only by current LAU students, faculty and staff. There are two ways of accessing the databases:

  1. If your computer is connected through LAU’s local area network, you will have full access to the databases on LAU’s intranet.
  2. If your computer is connected to the internet through another ISP, you will be required to log on in order to have full access to the databases. 

Logging in

To log in you must provide your LAU email username (for example, jsmith or john.smith) and password. This information is encrypted before being transmitted to LAU, so as not to expose your email login on public networks.

Forgot your password?

Please contact the IT HelpDesk at ext: 1000 or visit the IT Department, located at the Faculty Apartments Building, Level 2 (Beirut campus); and Dorms A, Ground floor (Byblos campus) for assistance.

Feedback is welcomed

As with any service, we ask you to provide us with feedback on remote access to the Library. Please send comments to houeida.charara@lau.edu.lb. If you encounter databases that deny access please send us the URL at the point that access was denied.