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Policies & Guidelines > Computer use guidelines

Computer and internet use guidelines

The LAU Libraries provide their community access to computers and the internet as long as they are used in a manner supporting the educational and research mission of the university. Computers require user authentication (LAU email address/password).

These guidelines govern the use of computers and the internet at the LAU libraries (Beirut and Byblos).

Acceptable Use Statements

The use of the computer and internet facilities at the LAU Libraries is a privilege and not a right. Misuse may result in disciplinary action in compliance with the Student & University Life PolicyPersonnel Policy and Computer & Network Policy.

Users of these resources are responsible for reading and understanding these guidelines and are expected to abide by the following regulations:

  • These guidelines apply to any member of the Lebanese American University community who is using the computer and internet resources of the Libraries.
  • Lending username and passwords to outsiders is prohibited. Doing so subjects the user to disciplinary action, including a warning.
  • Users may not use the computers and the internet facilities of the Libraries for commercial purposes or for political lobbying.
  • Users will use the computers and Internet facilities of the Libraries for legal activities only. Illegal activities include, but are not limited to, spreading viruses willingly, violating copyright or intellectual property laws such as installing or downloading personal copies of software on any Libraries-owned computer which are not legally obtained and licensed by LAU, and/or damaging computers, computer systems or files.
  • Using or importing offensive, obscene, disruptive or inflammatory language, pictures, or other similar materials on any computer of the Libraries is prohibited.
  • Users will respect the privacy of others and will not re-post or modify data files without the consent of the sending party.
  • Users will not use the computers and internet facilities of the Library to disrupt the work of other users.
  • Users will not post chain letters or mass mailings, create unnecessary multiple jobs or processes, generate unnecessary or excessive output or printing and create unnecessary network traffic.
  • The Libraries will not install blocking software but reserve the right to install monitoring/logging software which records the use of a computer, and to take disciplinary action against a user who has violated the Acceptable Use Guidelines.

As a user of the LAU Libraries’ computers and internet facilities, you must agree to comply with all the terms and conditions stated above.

Last reviewed: February 2015.